Summer break

Happy Summer! Summer is usually a very welcome break from school and academics for most kids, however for some, the change in routine can be unsettling. Children struggling with mental health concerns may experience an increase in symptoms due to the lack of structure and increased ambiguity. If you see your child struggling with any mental or emotional concerns, please schedule a consultation with your PCP.

In addition to this, our in-house integrated therapist works with you to address various mental health concerns including anxiety, depression, challenging behaviors and promoting early childhood relationships. To access these services, your child must be referred by your NSP primary care provider.

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Behavioral Health Program

We are excited to share the news about a new behavioral health service here at NSP. Please read the handout for more details.

Maitreyee IBH flyer

If you are interested in this short term service for your child, please call our office to set up an appointment with your doctor.

Mask Policy

MASK POLICY continues: 5/6/2024

original post 7/18/2023:

1) Patients without symptoms:
Masks are strongly encouraged but not required.

2) Patients with symptoms:
Patients/Caregivers ages 2 yrs. and over showing symptoms of any respiratory illness, such as Covid19, including (but not limited to) fever, congestion, cough, or difficulty breathing, will be required to wear masks during their visit.
These families should enter through the clinic’s designated “sick entrance”. Do not access the clinic through the waiting area.
Masks will be provided upon entry if they do not have one.

Dr. Herb Hilgers

Dr. Herb Hilgers was one of the founding doctors of North Seattle Pediatrics. It was an honor to work with him. He will be missed.

Shared by Kryss Abreu Bywater 2/6/23: A week ago today, we lost one of this world’s best men, Herb Hilgers. It has taken me the past seven days of deep grieving to work up the emotional effort to post this tribute to my bonus dad. And oh, what an incredible bonus he was. Herb officially became my bonus dad in 1982 when he married my mom. From the very beginning, he loved and treated me as if I were his own child. Through his words and actions, he taught me how one should treat their life partner. He taught me what it meant to truly be selfless and non-judgmental. Read more

Pre-visit online questionnaires

To our patients and families,

As your medical home, we want to clearly state that we believe racism and inequality in all their forms are detrimental to all aspects of health.

We stand together to fight against racism, injustice and inequality, and we believe in equity and inclusion. We believe in providing the highest standard of medical care to all children and their families, regardless of the color of their skin, the language they speak, their gender or orientation. Read more